Sunday, June 3, 2012

Noah,Noah,Noah (TTC Month 6)

I picked Noah up from daycare one day last week and when I walked in the door his teacher looks at me and says "I hear congratulations are in order. Congrats!" I asked what for and she said "You're pregnant." I told her I wasn't pregnant and she said "Well you better tell him that because he has told all of us that mommy has a baby in her belly and he is going to be a big brother." Apparently, he told anyone that would listen. I chuckled (Surprisingly it didn't make me cry). I explained to her that we have been trying for a while and it just has not happened yet.

I asked Noah why he told everyone that and his reply was "I want to tell them mommy. Please let me tell them." I explained that it was a lie and we don't tell lies and asked him why he thought I had a baby in my belly. He said "I just know it. I have a lot of brains." Once again I laughed while wondering where he comes up with this stuff. The whole way home I thought about it and even though it made me laugh it also made me a little sad that we haven't accomplished giving him a sibling yet but on the other hand this incident proved to me that Noah is ready to be a big brother and he will be excited when that time comes. That alone is a blessing.

Friends and family thought it would be funny if Noah knew something that we didn't seeing as how kids have a sixth sense at times. I can't lie, the thought crossed my mind also. However, I'm pretty positive I am not pregnant at the moment seeing as how I am having signs of the always unwelcomed Aunt Flow. I suppose it would still be ironic if it happened soon though. I guess there is always next month but until then we are still "practicing" as the hubby likes to call it.

The ironic thing is that Keith has really come out of his shell this month with the whole trying to conceive thing and it's truly been amazing. He has been wanting another baby also but he is a worry wart and has had some concerns about my health through all of this, causing him to not show excitement as much as I'd like. It seems like Noah's excitement has rubbed off on him and maybe a part of that has to do with the fact that he knows now that Noah will be ok with us sharing our time with another child in the future.