Monday, April 2, 2012


"Are you done with just number one?"

"When can we expect number two?"
"Do you want any more children?"
"Doesn't Noah need a little sister yet?"

How many times can you hear these questions in one weekend without freaking out? I had family in town and I know they don't know my situation but that doesn't make it anymore easier to deal with the fact that we haven't been successful trying to get pregnant yet. This week has been full of questions though, not just the weekend. Noah was playing with a kid on the playground before tball practice and the kid goes:

Kid: "My mom has a baby in her belly."
Noah: "Is it a boy baby or a girl baby?"
Kid: "We don't know yet. What kind of baby do you have?"
Noah: "We don't have a baby yet. My mom doesn't have a baby in her belly."
Kid: "Oh, well she should get one in her belly then."
Noah: "Yeah I know, I tell her"

While the conversation was totally cute and innocent I didn't realize that the chaos would begin from that point on throughout the whole week. At practice he was asking his coach all about his baby girl. Then when we got in the car I wasn't prepared for Noah's questions of
"Mom, that boy has a little sister AND his mommy has a baby in her belly."
Me: "Wow, buddy that's great."
Noah: "But I don't have even one baby yet mom and I wish I could get one. Why don't we have one yet mom?"
Me: "Honey, mommy is trying but Jesus hasn't put one in mommy's belly yet. We just have to keep praying about it."
Noah: "Ok, but I do that all the time...."

The drive home took forever trying to hold back the misty eyes but I found comfort in the whole "Let go, Let God" speech I gave myself in my head. Then the first set of questions that I posted arose this weekend at family gatherings. I think the toughest one was when my Great Grandfather, who is 92 years old and has to be remembered of who I am asked Noah which one was his little brother or sister that was there. Noah just looked at him confused like but said "I don't have a brother or a sister yet but I have a puppy named Minnow..." I can tell that it's starting to bug Noah like it bugs me.....and that's my breaking point, when I can't fix something that is bugging him or me. I have so many people that are pregnant around me too that it makes it really tough to be around. I'm so happy for them but I can't help but be human in wishing it was me too. I really feel like a second child is in our future. I can just feel that it IS in the cards for us but it is just hard to deal with the questions more than anything. I could live without being asked every other day if I'm going to have another baby. *Sigh*