Saturday, May 19, 2012

Just....a lot

I haven't blogged in a while because I've just had too much on my mind. I had an appointment recently with my Endo and I was so excited to give her the good news that my cycles have regulated with my metformin. Little did I know that I had bad news coming my way too. Due to the amount of bleeding I have been having during my cycle she told me very sweetly "Becky, you're not ovulating." CRUSH number 283,576,951,249! She put me on another medication for my insulin resistance and explained that this should help me ovulate by helping me lose some weight in the meantime. The whole way back to work my brain was scattered. Why should I ever think that anything was ever going to go as planned for me? Bad things happen to good people. That's the bottom line and it seems like the less deserving and the people who do the worst things get whatever they want. I question why this is the case but then quickly remind myself that I'm not supposed to know why everything happens and that God has a plan. I truly feel like God will bless our family with another child and that Noah will eventually be a big brother. I have to stay positive or else I will totally lose my mind.

On a MUCH happier note. Noah had his preschool graduation ceremony yesterday and he was super cute dressed up like a police officer. They had to dress up like whatever they wanted to be when they grow up. He wore his dad's pins from when Keith was in police explorer as a child and my father in-law brought him a hat and some stuff to clip on his belt. He reminded me of a little Chris (my dad) standing up there at times and at other times I could totally see Keith and A.K. in him. When it was his time to speak he said "When I grow up I want to be a police man. I want to keep the bad guys off the street and make sure they're put away!" My heart melted. We had no idea that he even had a speaking part much less a solo singing "He's the king of the Jungle." We certainly are proud parents and are very blessed to have him in our lives. Of course I recorded everything on my phone and took lots of pictures and all night last night I watched them over and over again just baffled by how fast he has grown. I used to think the whole "I blinked my eyes and you were grown" mantra was cheesy but it is so true once you become a parent. It seems like only yesterday I held him in my arms for the first time. I praise God for him!