Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's been a while

Well it's been a while, since February, that I've blogged so here is an update. Noah is 14 months old now. He is such a joy. He no longer drinks out of a bottle, and he doesn't sleep in a crib anymore. His room has been completely transfered into a big boy room and he is doing great. He is talking up a storm now too. We are very proud of him and he is a very fast learner in everything that he does. We are truly blessed.

I have since gone back to work and it is stressful at times. I am hoping to start college this semester towards accounting. I am going to try to do accounting from home so I can stay home with Noah and any future children. Balancing being a wife and mom with work and school is challenging but it's what will benefit my family in the long run. Rumor is that the state is going to put a highway right through Chadwick Rd which is where I live and a few of my other family members as well. When they do that we will have to move seeing as how the road would go right through my house. Bills aren't getting paid as much these days. I feel like I'm robbing Peter to pay Paul and that is frustrating. Sometimes it feels like everything is crashing down on me but all I can do is do the best I can and that's it. I pray for relief daily. Atleast I have the love from my little family at home to keep me going.